i-finally-dicovered-my-weakness the original multiple man was a pondering on that fateful day when he met his identicals again. first of all who-wants-to-be-their-younger-self called him on the phone saying "remember me? im coming over with who-could-have-been-has-been and who-i-once-was." when they arrived, a-couple-of-other-people showed up surprising me, then came he-was-quite-insightful and how-selfish-and-self-serving-i-am together knocking at my door - so i introduced them to these-are-typical-people-you-meet-at-a-party and it-is-all-coincidental and the-rest-of-the-gang who were already there coz they were my neighbors. as it turns out they-are-the-guys-i-have-known-forever and i-have-so-many-names know them too. is-not-it-crazy was there too and it-is-happening-again introduced him to how-long-can-you-sustain-a-joke-without-getting-tired-of-it and they-hit-off-quite-nicely showed him around. all in all it was a pretty good reunion and oh yeah ifdmw met a-whole-bunch-of-friends once again.